Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cass' one month pics

My little peanutbutter did splendidly at her 1 month check up. Even the doctor was commenting on how alert and perfect she was, so nice to get validation from professionals :o)

Her stats:
Height: 21"- 44th percentile
Weight: 8 lbs even- 16th percentile

The great news was that after a little weight gain scare (she got down to 6lbs 1.5ounces and then played around with gaining, not gaining and making us go to the doc every few days!), she gained almost 2 pounds above her lowest weight, right in line with what the doctors want (1-2 pounds a month). My only worry was that there was some sort of mix up because no one in our family has trouble gaining weight! LOL

She also started smiling at us, which is heart melting and makes the middle of the night wake ups much easier! She's still not showing much of a schedule, but most nights she gives us at least one 4-5 hour stretch, so tolerable. I'm anxious to get her on a schedule though so I can start actually accomplishing some things around the house, although it is nice to just sit and hold her. They get big so fast!

Here are some pics from her one month photo shoot :o)

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