In chronological order:
- We found a house
- We bought a house
- My cousin Morgan came to stay with us (initially while she looked for a place, but people who want to rent rooms are CREEPY, so she's here indefinitely)
- We moved into said house on Dec 5th, during which we got 5 inches of snow
- Moved in for two weeks when snowpocalypse hit, 18" of snow- I still thought snow was fun at this point
- My parents came in for Christmas AND we had all the family Christmas's at my house, in-laws, my fam, my mom's extended fam- all within a 24hr period. All having just moved in 3 weeks earlier. I've since recovered my brain cells and will not be doing that again.
- January is a blur, I did a lot of unpacking and decompressing from the homebuying experience. There was also more snow.
- In early February snowmaggedon hit, dumping a full 2 ft of snow. Then three days later, 12 more inches. I think I left the house twice in a week. I still had to work from home. It was lame. I now break out into tears and hide in a corner whenever I see snow in the forecast.
- Hubs turned 34! I got a migraine and he spent all day taking care of me. (Boo to that) I tried to make it up to him by making red velvet cake from scratch. Epic fail. At least his sheperd's pie turned out well.
- Snow is melting, Kristen is happier.
I reserve the right to blog about any and all of these events in detail at a later date. I also have some new recipes to post, which are bangin. We also found mold on our pantry ceiling, discovered the leak that was causing it and determined that we need a second heatpump put in to effectively heat and cool our home but I'm blocking the chronological order of these events cause they make my head hurt.
Also, my husband has decided to caulk everything in our house, which is great, except he refuses to learn the right way to apply it, so its messy. And he thinks rope caulk is God's gift, so he uses it almost everywhere. Including the baseboards. (This might not sound like a big deal, but let me explain. Rope caulk is like putty, which means its slightly tacky. We have four animals in our house. So I have a grey, messy, tacky line along the perimeter of every room that is now teeming with fur) Sigh. I love him. I love that he's trying to make things better. If anyone has any tips on how I can focus more on the effort he's making and not the hours of work that his "help" is making for me I would really appreciate it. I feel like this is a skill will become an acute need once motherhood comes calling.
Okay, I pinky swear to blog more often than once every 6 months. Next weekend I'm heading to the Carribean for a Disney cruise with my Mommy! We plan to dominate all Disney trivia competitions, get a tan, and majorly relax. Hopefully that will provide some good blog fodder :o) Until then peeps!